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Rhinophyma Treatment Boston, MA

When the skin condition rhinophyma takes root, the nose swells, turns red, develops bumps and takes on a bulbous appearance. Additional symptoms may include more unpleasant changes to the nose, like a thickening of the skin, a growing quantity of oil glands and the development of a waxy, yellow surface.

Rhinophyma does not go away on its own. If measures are not taken to resolve this disorder, and it progresses to a later stage, red blisters will develop on the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead.

Rhinophyma Causes and Risk Factors

The onset of rhinophyma can happen if rosacea, a different skin condition distinguished by blood vessel dilatation that results in flushing and redness, is not treated. At this point, it becomes more challenging to prevent symptoms, reduce skin discoloration and reverse skin texture distortions.

Early treatment is critical. When you first notice signs of rosacea, see a doctor and treat it so it does not get worse and turn into rhinophyma. Doing so will prevent long-term damage that can only be resolved through surgery.

Rhinophyma is a rare skin disorder that affects men significantly more often than women. Other factors that raise a person’s risk of developing rhinophyma include the following:

  • Genetics (the skin condition runs in the family)
  • Your heritage (those most commonly affected are of English, Irish,   Scottish, Eastern European or Scandinavian descent)
  • Being between 50 and 70 years old
  • Being fair-skinned

Rosacea is easily confused with acne or another skin condition in its early stages. When in doubt, visit a dermatologist. It is better to rule out this rhinophyma-causing skin problem than let it progress and permanently damage your face.

Rhinophyma Treatment Often Requires Nose Surgery

A plastic surgeon like Dr. Daniel Del Vecchio, who takes pride in his desire to provide the most aesthetically pleasing outcomes, can significantly improve a rhinophyma-affected face and the nose’s outer appearance. He can also fix the nose’s function if the deformity is so bad that it makes breathing challenging.

Surgical treatment can improve facial appearance by removing tissue overgrowth, shrinking enlarged blood vessels and reshaping the nose if it is disfigured. If you allowed rhinophyma to progress to the point that medications have had no healing effect on the condition, contact Boston Rhinoplasty as soon as possible to get help from Dr. Del Vecchio.

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